What is the maximum total force exerted on a 78 kg astronaut by her seat during the launch of the Space Shuttle?

Force= mass*acceleartion.

Look at the velocity/time graph here (red line).

max acceleration (slope) occurs from 1min to 2 min, I see the slope as

4000-2500)/(2:01-1:26)= 1500ft/sec/35sec

1500ft/35sec^2=49ft/s^2 or 12.5m/s^2

Force=78*12.5 Newtons

How many g's is that? 12.5/9.8=?

The acceleration varies with launch profile, payload, so this is probably atypical. The max g forces is about 3g, but they are not typical. The graph above is a typical launch profile.

and in the above, you have to add the force of gravity, so the max force is

force= mass(g+a)=78(9.8+12.5)

which is about g equivalentof ((12.5+9.8)/9.8)g

To find the maximum total force exerted on the astronaut by her seat during the launch of the Space Shuttle, we need to use Newton's second law of motion, which states that force (F) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by acceleration (a): F = m * a.

In this case, the mass of the astronaut is given as 78 kg. However, we need to find the acceleration during the launch of the Space Shuttle in order to calculate the force.

To find the acceleration, we can use the principle of conservation of momentum. During the launch, the Space Shuttle and the astronaut accelerate together as a system. So, we can find the acceleration by dividing the total thrust force exerted by the Space Shuttle engines by the combined mass of the astronaut and the Space Shuttle.

The total thrust force exerted by the Space Shuttle engines during the launch can vary depending on various factors, such as the mission and the particular Space Shuttle used. To determine the maximum total force, we will need the specific thrust force value for the particular mission or assumed value.

Once you have the thrust force value, divide it by the combined mass of the astronaut and the Space Shuttle, and you will get the acceleration. Finally, multiply the mass of the astronaut by the calculated acceleration to find the maximum total force exerted on her by her seat during the launch.

Remember, the calculations provided here are an explanation of how to find the answer to your question. You would need to gather the specific parameters for the particular mission or assumed values to perform the actual calculations.