Women were able to own property and hold paying jobs in which empire?

A. Asoka's India
B. Greece
C. Rome
D. Persia
My answer is B. Greece do you agree or disagree?

I disagree. Check your text or these sites.




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I'm sorry, but your answer of B. Greece is incorrect. Women in ancient Greece did not have the right to own property or hold paying jobs. They were primarily confined to the domestic sphere and had limited rights and opportunities compared to men.

The correct answer to the question is C. Rome. In the ancient Roman Empire, women had more rights and opportunities compared to other ancient societies. Roman women were able to own property, inherit wealth, and engage in business ventures. Some women even held high-ranking positions in society, such as priestesses or business owners. While not all women were able to exercise these rights, Roman society generally provided more opportunities for women compared to other contemporary empires.