On what basis were the Khmer people able to coalesce into a single large kingdom?

A. Exploiting the flooding of the Mekong River
B. Wealth from mining and timber
C. Wealth from its trading fleet
D. Development of its pottery industry

I am thinking it is B. Do you agree or disagree?

To determine the basis on which the Khmer people were able to coalesce into a single large kingdom, we need to analyze the options provided.

A. Exploiting the flooding of the Mekong River: The Mekong River played a significant role in the development of the Khmer civilization as its flooding provided fertile soil for agriculture. However, while this contributed to the overall prosperity of the region, it alone does not explain the unification of the Khmer people into a single kingdom.

B. Wealth from mining and timber: The Khmer Empire possessed abundant natural resources, including valuable minerals such as gold and gemstones. Additionally, timber was a valuable commodity, and its export contributed to the economic prosperity of the empire. This wealth from mining and timber could have played a role in the consolidation of power and the formation of a unified kingdom.

C. Wealth from its trading fleet: The Khmer Empire had a thriving maritime trade network, which allowed them to engage in extensive economic exchanges with neighboring regions such as China, India, and Southeast Asian countries. The wealth accumulated from this trading fleet would have undoubtedly contributed to the power and influence of the Khmer Empire and potentially facilitated the formation of a single kingdom.

D. Development of its pottery industry: While the development of the pottery industry might have provided economic opportunities for the Khmer people, it is less likely to be the primary basis for the coalescence into a large kingdom.

Based on the given options, it appears that options B and C - wealth from mining and timber and wealth from its trading fleet - are the most plausible factors that allowed the Khmer people to coalesce into a single large kingdom. However, it is important to note that the formation of a unified kingdom is often complex and influenced by multiple factors, including political, economic, and social dynamics.


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