When Andrew became a Roman Catholic priest, making the vow of celibacy was difficult, but he remained true to his commitment. Andrew found along the way that he had a talent for sculpting and began creating exquisite pieces of religious art. Sigmund Freud would say that Andrew’s artistic creations are a demonstration of:

A) reaction formation.
B) sublimation.
C) denial.
D) projection.

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Expressing socially disproved of tendencies in a socially approved of manner is sublimation.

Reaction formation is acting the exaggerated opposite of your tendencies.

Projection is attributing your unacceptable motives to others.

To determine the correct answer, let's go through each option and understand their definitions:

A) Reaction formation: This defense mechanism involves the conversion of an unwanted or unacceptable impulse into its opposite. It is characterized by expressing exaggerated beliefs or actions that are opposite to one's true feelings.

B) Sublimation: This defense mechanism involves redirecting socially unacceptable impulses or desires into socially acceptable activities. The energy from the original desire is transferred into a different and more socially valued outlet.

C) Denial: Denial is a defense mechanism where a person refuses to acknowledge or accept reality, often associated with emotionally distressing experiences or thoughts. This can involve denying one's own thoughts, desires, or behaviors.

D) Projection: Projection is a defense mechanism where a person attributes their own undesirable thoughts, feelings, or impulses onto someone else. They perceive these qualities as belonging to others rather than acknowledging them within themselves.

Now, consider Andrew's situation. He made a vow of celibacy and remained committed to it, which suggests that he redirected his sexual desires into another outlet or activity. In this case, sculpting religious art could be seen as a socially acceptable activity that allows him to express his creativity and emotions in a religious context.

Given this explanation, the most suitable answer would be B) Sublimation, as it aligns with Andrew's situation. He channeled his desires into sculpting religious art, which can be seen as a form of sublimation.