Can you suggest a site where I can find this answer? I do not have my book at home tonight. I need to name at least three items a map's key should include.

What kind of map?


Certainly! If you do not have access to your book, you can use online resources to find the answer. One website you can use to find information about a map's key is the National Geographic's Mapmaker Interactive website.

To find the information you're looking for, follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser and visit the National Geographic Mapmaker Interactive website (
2. On the website, click on the "Create New Map" button to start.
3. After the map loads, navigate to the top-right corner of the screen where you will see icons for different tools.
4. Click on the "Legend" icon, which resembles an open book.
5. A sidebar will appear on the left side of the screen, showing options to add elements to the map's key or legend.
6. Look for the section related to "Items" or "Symbols" and select it.
7. The website should then provide you with a list of items that commonly appear in a map's key or legend. Usually, a map's key should include items such as colors, symbols/icons, and labels.

Remember to cross-reference the information you find from the website with your textbook once you have access to it.