5 years,21days,4hours,32min,17sec

- 2 years,93days,7hours,47min,24sec

I don't get your answer and I need the answer for tomorrow. pleaseeeeeeeee

See below.

To subtract the two given time durations, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by subtracting the seconds. In this case, we have 17 seconds minus 24 seconds. Since we cannot have a negative number of seconds, we need to "borrow" from the minutes place. The number of seconds in a minute is 60, so we add 60 to 17 and subtract 24. This gives us 53 seconds.

2. Move on to subtracting the minutes. We have 32 minutes minus 47 minutes. Similarly, we need to borrow from the hours place. The number of minutes in an hour is 60, so we add 60 to 32 and subtract 47. This gives us 45 minutes.

3. Proceed to subtracting the hours. We have 4 hours minus 7 hours. Again, we need to borrow from the days place. The number of hours in a day is 24, so we add 24 to 4 and subtract 7. This gives us 21 hours.

4. Subtract the days. We have 21 days minus 93 days. Since we cannot have a negative number of days, we need to borrow from the years place. Considering the number of days in a year is usually 365, we add 365 to 21 and subtract 93. This gives us 293 days.

5. Finally, subtract the years. We have 5 years minus 2 years. This gives us 3 years.

Putting it all together, the result of subtracting the two given time durations is 3 years, 293 days, 21 hours, 45 minutes, and 53 seconds.