5 years,21days,4hours,32min,17sec

- 2 years,93days,7hours,47min,24sec

You'll need to regroup the numbers in the minuend so that each category is larger than the numbers in the subtrahend.

I don't get it. Please could you help me??????????

5 years,21days,4hours,32min,17sec

4 years, 386 days, 4 hours, 32 min, 17 sec

4 years, 385 days, 28 hours, 32 min, 17 sec

4 years, 385 days, 27 hours, 92 min, 17 sec

4 years, 385 days, 27 hours, 91 min, 77 sec

Now subtract.

thank you very much for your help

You're very welcome.

To subtract the given two time durations, we need to perform the subtraction operation separately for each unit (years, days, hours, minutes, seconds) and then combine the results.

First, let's subtract the years:
5 years - 2 years = 3 years

Next, let's subtract the days:
21 days - 93 days = -72 days

Note that when subtracting days, if the result is negative, we have to borrow from the years.

Since we borrowed 1 year, we need to adjust the previous result of years:
3 years - 1 year = 2 years

Now, let's subtract the hours:
4 hours - 7 hours = -3 hours

Similarly, when the result is negative, we need to borrow from the days:
-72 days - 1 day = -73 days

We also need to adjust the previous result of hours:
-3 hours + 24 hours = 21 hours

Now, let's subtract the minutes:
32 min - 47 min = -15 min

Again, we borrow from the hours when the result is negative:
21 hours - 1 hour = 20 hours

We also need to adjust the previous result of minutes:
-15 min + 60 min = 45 min

Finally, let's subtract the seconds:
17 sec - 24 sec = -7 sec

Similarly, we borrow from the minutes when the result is negative:
45 min - 1 min = 44 min

We also need to adjust the previous result of seconds:
-7 sec + 60 sec = 53 sec

Therefore, the result of subtracting the two time durations is:
2 years, 73 days, 20 hours, 44 min, 53 sec