3. A students boot pressure on the ground is 5 pounds per inch squared. how many inches squared will be required to set off a landmine with a set pressure 40 pounds?

4. Calculate the pressure exerted by the atmosphere on a cubic square can with 6 sides of dimensions of 10 x 10 per side. Assume the can pressure is under vacuum.

5. Water will boil at 150 degree f when the reactor is under vacuum at what pressure?

6. Describe the flow when the Renynolds number is 2000.

3. To solve for the number of inches squared required to set off a landmine with a pressure of 40 pounds, we can set up a proportion.

Let x represent the number of inches squared required.

We can set up the proportion:

5 pounds per inch squared / x inches squared = 40 pounds / 1 inch squared

Cross-multiplying, we have:

5 * 1 = 40 * x

5 = 40x

Now we can solve for x:

x = 5 / 40

x = 0.125 inches squared

Therefore, 0.125 inches squared will be required to set off the landmine with a pressure of 40 pounds.

4. To calculate the pressure exerted by the atmosphere on a cubic square can with 6 sides of dimensions 10 x 10 per side, we can use the formula for pressure which is force divided by area.

Since the can is under vacuum, we assume that there is no force exerted by the atmosphere on it. Therefore, the pressure exerted by the atmosphere on the can is zero.

5. To determine the pressure at which water will boil at 150 degrees Fahrenheit when the reactor is under a vacuum, we need to use the phase diagram of water.

However, since the pressure at which water will boil at 150 degrees Fahrenheit under vacuum is not readily available without more specific information, it is impossible to provide an exact answer without further context.

6. The Reynolds number is a dimensionless quantity used in fluid mechanics to predict flow patterns. When the Reynolds number is 2000, it signifies the transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow in a fluid.

In laminar flow, the fluid flows smoothly in parallel layers, while in turbulent flow, the fluid flow becomes chaotic and irregular. So, when the Reynolds number is 2000, it indicates that the flow is transitioning from laminar to turbulent.

The Reynolds number can be calculated by dividing the product of fluid velocity, characteristic length, and fluid density by the fluid viscosity. By knowing these values, you can use the Reynolds number equation to determine the flow regime.