Could the theme be No women could change men

The story is about a man marrying a women and the women wants the man changing his diet. The women bosses him around then the man finds another girl and takes off with her. He took off with her because the women bossed him around about dieting because hes fat.

I need a really good theme PLEASE HELP

the story is A piece of Pie by Damon it was mistake for posting it two times

No woman could change a man. I think it's more impressive with one on one.

You have no doubt heard that "men are from Mars and women are from Venus" That means they will never understand each other!



Certainly! Based on the given story, the theme could be "Personal Growth and Self-Identity." This theme explores the idea that individuals have the power and agency to change themselves, rather than relying on someone else to change them.

To support this theme in your story, you can emphasize how the main male character undergoes a transformative journey where he learns to assert his own desires and develop self-confidence. The story could explore how he finds his own sense of identity and purpose, independent of the expectations or opinions of those around him.

Here's a breakdown of how to develop this theme in your story:

1. Establish the initial state: Introduce the main male character as someone who lacks confidence and struggles with his self-image due to his weight and the controlling behavior of his wife.

2. Depict the conflict: Show how the wife's constant pressure to change his diet intensifies the tension in their relationship. This conflict becomes a catalyst for the main character's self-reflection.

3. Portray the turning point: Have the main character meet another girl who accepts and appreciates him as he is. This encounter helps him recognize that he deserves to be treated better and sparks a desire for personal growth.

4. Explore the transformative journey: Illustrate how the main character starts making choices for himself, independent of his wife's influence. Show how he takes control of his own diet, exercise routine, and overall well-being, leading to positive changes and increased self-confidence.

5. Facilitate self-discovery: Allow the main character to explore his passions, hobbies, or personal goals. Through this exploration, he discovers his own worth and finds fulfillment beyond his physical appearance.

Ultimately, the theme "Personal Growth and Self-Identity" conveys the idea that individuals have the power to change themselves, rather than relying on others to change them. It highlights that true happiness and fulfillment come from embracing one's own identity and making choices that align with their personal growth.