Monthly Budget: You earn $250 per month from your part-time job. You are in a kayaking club that costs $20 per month, and you save at least $100 each month. Write and solve an inequality to find the possible amounts you have left to spend each month.


kayak: = 20
savings: >= 100

0 <= avail <= 130

To find the possible amounts you have left to spend each month, we need to subtract the expenses from your income and savings.

Let's call the amount left to spend each month "x".

Your income is $250 per month.
Your expenses include the kayaking club cost of $20 per month.
And you save at least $100 each month.

So, the inequality equation would be:
Income - Expenses - Savings = Amount left to spend
$250 - $20 - $100 ≤ x

Simplifying the equation, we have:
$130 ≤ x

Therefore, the possible amounts you have left to spend each month can be any value greater than or equal to $130.