A road has an incline of 10°. To the nearest foot, find the increase in altitude of a car after driving 4,000 feet along the road.

tan 10° = h/4000

take it from there

actually you would use sine for this problem

To find the increase in altitude of a car after driving 4,000 feet along a road with a 10° incline, you can use trigonometry.

The increase in altitude can be found using the formula:

Increase in altitude = distance * sin(angle)

First, convert the angle from degrees to radians. We know that 1 degree is equal to π/180 radians. So, we can calculate:

10° * (π/180) = 0.17453293 radians (rounded to 8 decimal places)

Now, we can plug in the values into the formula:

Increase in altitude = 4,000 feet * sin(0.17453293)

Using a scientific calculator or a calculator with a trigonometric function, we can evaluate sin(0.17453293) to be approximately 0.17364818 (rounded to 8 decimal places).


Increase in altitude ≈ 4,000 feet * 0.17364818

Calculating this expression, we find:

Increase in altitude ≈ 694.59 feet

To the nearest foot, the increase in altitude of the car after driving 4,000 feet along the road with a 10° incline is approximately 695 feet.
