I have been on this problem for about 3 hours and I cannot solve it. My professor wanted us to make a command button with 3 input boxes ( I was able to do this part), but I'm suppose to design a boolean and select case that makes sure that a 5 digit number is entered in one of the input boxes are there will be errors. I cannot do it. Please help.

Sure, I can help you with that. To solve your problem, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the VBA editor in your Excel workbook by pressing ALT + F11.
2. Double-click on the button you created to open the code window for the button.
3. In the code window, find the click event handler for the button. It should be named something like "Button1_Click".
4. Inside the click event handler, you can add code to check if a 5-digit number is entered in one of the input boxes. Here's an example of how you can do it:

Private Sub Button1_Click()
' Get the values entered in the input boxes
Dim input1 As String
Dim input2 As String
Dim input3 As String

input1 = TextBox1.Value
input2 = TextBox2.Value
input3 = TextBox3.Value

' Check if a 5-digit number is entered in one of the input boxes
Dim isValid As Boolean
isValid = False

If Len(input1) = 5 And IsNumeric(input1) Then
isValid = True
ElseIf Len(input2) = 5 And IsNumeric(input2) Then
isValid = True
ElseIf Len(input3) = 5 And IsNumeric(input3) Then
isValid = True
End If

' Perform actions based on whether a 5-digit number is entered
If isValid Then
' Code to execute when a 5-digit number is entered
MsgBox "Valid input!"
' Code to execute when a 5-digit number is not entered
MsgBox "Invalid input! Please enter a 5-digit number."
End If
End Sub

5. Replace "Button1" with the actual name of your button, and "TextBox1", "TextBox2", and "TextBox3" with the actual names of your input boxes.
6. Save your changes and close the VBA editor.

Now, when you click on the button, it will check if a 5-digit number is entered in one of the input boxes. If a 5-digit number is entered, it will display a message box saying "Valid input!". Otherwise, it will display a message box saying "Invalid input! Please enter a 5-digit number."

To design a boolean and select case that checks whether a 5-digit number is entered in one of the input boxes, you can follow these steps:

1. First, you need to access the values entered in the input boxes. In most programming languages, you can do this by using the appropriate syntax to reference the input boxes. For example, if you are using HTML and JavaScript, you might use the `getElementById` function to get the value of each input box.

2. Once you have the values, you need to determine if they are 5-digit numbers. One way to check this is by using the `length` property or function to determine the length of the input value. If the length is not equal to 5, then it is not a 5-digit number.

3. You can then use a boolean variable to store the result of this check. Set the variable to `true` if a 5-digit number is entered in one of the input boxes, and `false` otherwise.

4. Finally, you can use a select case statement to handle the different scenarios based on the value of the boolean variable. For example, if the variable is `true`, you can display a success message, and if it is `false`, you can display an error message.

Here's some example code in JavaScript to help illustrate this:

// Get the input values
var input1 = document.getElementById('input1').value;
var input2 = document.getElementById('input2').value;
var input3 = document.getElementById('input3').value;

// Check if any input is a 5-digit number
var isFiveDigit = false;

if (input1.length === 5 || input2.length === 5 || input3.length === 5) {
isFiveDigit = true;

// Handle the different scenarios
switch (isFiveDigit) {
case true:
// Display success message
alert('A 5-digit number was entered.');
case false:
// Display error message
alert('Please enter a 5-digit number in one of the input boxes.');

Make sure to replace `'input1'`, `'input2'`, and `'input3'` with the actual IDs of your input boxes in your HTML code.

By following these steps and customizing the code based on the programming language you are using, you should be able to design a boolean and select case that checks for a 5-digit number in one of the input boxes.