We are working withdirect object pronouns and we had to answer these questions with the use of the direct object pronoun.It's a conversation between two people-one asking-one answering Are they correct? I'm really not sure-

1. First person: ¿Practicas la natación también?
Second person; Sí, la practico también.
2. First person: ¿Juegas al tenis?
Second person: Sí, la juego.
3. ¿Tienes una raqueta?
Second person: Sí, la tengo.
4. ¿Y tienes unas bolas?
Second person: Sí, las tengo.

1. perfecto

2. note "el tenis" Sí, lo juego.
3. perfecto
4. perfecto

Not bad! Just be careful with gender!


The answers provided for the questions using direct object pronouns are correct. Let me explain why:

1. First person: ¿Practicas la natación también? (Do you also practice swimming?)
Second person: Sí, la practico también. (Yes, I also practice it.)

In this response, the direct object pronoun "la" is used to replace the word "natación" (swimming) as the direct object of the verb "practicar" (to practice). The pronoun "la" agrees in gender and number with the noun it is replacing.

2. First person: ¿Juegas al tenis? (Do you play tennis?)
Second person: Sí, la juego. (Yes, I play it.)

In this response, the direct object pronoun "la" is used to replace the word "tenis" (tennis) as the direct object of the verb "jugar" (to play). Again, the pronoun "la" agrees in gender and number with the noun it is replacing.

3. ¿Tienes una raqueta? (Do you have a racket?)
Second person: Sí, la tengo. (Yes, I have it.)

In this response, the direct object pronoun "la" is used to replace the word "raqueta" (racket) as the direct object of the verb "tener" (to have). Once again, the pronoun "la" agrees in gender and number with the noun it is replacing.

4. ¿Y tienes unas bolas? (And do you have some balls?)
Second person: Sí, las tengo. (Yes, I have them.)

In this response, the direct object pronoun "las" is used to replace the word "bolas" (balls) as the direct object of the verb "tener" (to have). Here, the pronoun "las" is used because "bolas" is plural, and the pronoun agrees in gender and number with the noun it is replacing.

Overall, the use of direct object pronouns in these answers is accurate and shows an understanding of how to replace nouns with pronouns in Spanish grammar.