Many students fear the thought of college. It is not only the transition from high school that intimidates them, but large classrooms, two hour seminars, and worse part, the fear of failure is what keeps them from going. Hence either take shorter hours, gap years, or some even drop out because they think they can not handle it. But in truth, college is not that hard. There are only two essential steps to becoming a successful college student: daily and punctual attendance to class and dedication to your course work. By following these, regardless their age, or ability, a student soon becomes an A grade student with out any further hard work.

Can you please correct this.

This is for an illustrative essay and the subject is Successful students.

I won't correct the entire passage, but I'll point out a couple of things for you:

... and worse part ... <~~"worse" is a comparative, used when you are comparing two things (not three or five -- two!); what is the superlative form for this? what ... <~~ What is the subject for the verb "is"? Is it a singular or plural?

Use the topics indexed here:

Correct the rest, and re-post.

cat speling and sentence please

Sure! Here's a corrected version of the paragraph:

Many students fear the idea of attending college. It's not just the transition from high school that intimidates them, but also the thought of large classrooms, two-hour seminars, and the fear of failure that holds them back. Some students opt for shorter hours, take gap years, or even drop out because they believe they can't handle the challenges. However, the truth is that college is not as hard as it seems. There are two essential steps to becoming a successful college student: consistently attending classes and dedicating oneself to coursework. By following these steps, regardless of age or ability, students can achieve high grades without much additional effort.

This paragraph has been revised to address grammar and syntax errors, as well as to enhance the clarity of the message.