how grams of kcl to dissovle 1L h2o at 50 degrees centigrade

To determine how many grams of KCl (potassium chloride) will dissolve in 1 liter of water (H2O) at 50 degrees Celsius, we need to consult the solubility table for KCl at that temperature.

Here's how to find that information:

1. Search for the solubility table: Go to a reliable source such as a chemistry textbook, scientific database, or an online resource that provides solubility tables for different substances.

2. Locate the solubility of KCl: Look for the solubility of potassium chloride (KCl) specifically. Typically, solubility tables provide information in terms of solubility in grams per 100 mL or 1 L of water at a specific temperature.

3. Find the solubility value for KCl at 50 degrees Celsius: Scan through the table to find the solubility of KCl at 50 degrees Celsius. Note down the value given in grams per 100 mL (or 1 L, if available) of water.

4. Calculate the grams needed for 1 L: If the solubility value is given per 100 mL, you can calculate the amount needed for 1 L by dividing the given value by 10. If the solubility is already given for 1 L, you can directly use that value to determine the grams needed.

Remember, the solubility of KCl changes with temperature and might vary from one source to another. Hence, it is important to refer to a reliable source for accurate data.