


16 + 3 = 19

I'll be glad to check your answer for the other problem.


To find the value of each expression, you need to follow the order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS.

The expression (7+9) + 3 consists of addition operations within parentheses, so you need to perform the addition inside the parentheses first.
7 + 9 equals 16.

Now the expression becomes 16 + 3.

To find the final answer, you add 16 and 3:
16 + 3 = 19.

Now let's move on to the second expression: 1 + (9 + 5).

Again, we start by solving the addition operation within the parentheses.
9 + 5 equals 14.

Now the expression becomes 1 + 14.

To find the final answer, you add 1 and 14:
1 + 14 = 15.

So, the answers to the given expressions are:
(7+9) + 3 = 19
1 + (9+5) = 15.