A cube of aluminum is 4cm on each side.find the mass of the cube. (Density of aluminum is 2.7g/cm3

mass = density (g/cm³) * volume (cm³)

mass = 2.7 g/cm³ * 4³cm³ = 2.7*64g = 172.8 g

To find the mass of the aluminum cube, you need to use the formula:

Mass = Density * Volume

First, calculate the volume of the cube using the formula:

Volume = Side^3

Given that the side of the cube is 4cm, substitute this value into the formula:

Volume = 4cm * 4cm * 4cm = 64cm^3

Now, substitute the given density of aluminum, which is 2.7g/cm^3, into the formula to calculate the mass:

Mass = 2.7g/cm^3 * 64cm^3
Mass = 172.8g

Therefore, the mass of the aluminum cube is 172.8 grams.