There are eight balls in an urn. They are identical except for color. Five are red, two are blue, and one is yellow

What is your question?

A monthly report to the Texas Department of Health, division of Water Hygiene, contained the following water production data in thousands of gallons:

5263 5636 5264 4395 6090 5293 4668 5725 5171 4378
5118 5538 4838 5167 5119 5438 6843 5262 4653 5303
5913 4570 5142 5964 6431 4719 5358 6043 4554 5805
a)What are the 1st and 3rd quartiles?with detail of solution
b)calculate the interquartile range?

To determine the number of each color of balls in the urn, we need to count them individually.

Step 1: Count the number of red balls. We are given that there are five red balls.

Step 2: Count the number of blue balls. We are given that there are two blue balls.

Step 3: Count the number of yellow balls. We are given that there is one yellow ball.

Therefore, in the urn, there are 5 red balls, 2 blue balls, and 1 yellow ball.