The proportion of students in private schools is around 11%. A random sample of 450 students from a wide geographic area indicated that 55 attended private schools. Estimate the true proportion of students attending private schools with 95% confidence. How does it estimate compare to 11%????

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Confidence interval using proportions:

CI95 = p + or - (1.96)(√pq/n)
...where + or - 1.96 represents 95% confidence using a z-table.

Note: p = 55/450 (convert to a decimal); q = 1 - p; and n = 450 (sample size).

I'll let you take it from here.

To estimate the true proportion of students attending private schools with 95% confidence, we can use the formula for the confidence interval for a proportion.

First, let's calculate the point estimate, which is the sample proportion of students attending private schools:

Point Estimate (p̂) = Number of students attending private schools / Total sample size
p̂ = 55 / 450 = 0.1222

Next, we can calculate the margin of error using the following formula:

Margin of Error = Z * sqrt( (p̂ * (1 - p̂)) / n )

Z is the z-value corresponding to the desired confidence level (95% confidence level corresponds to approximately Z = 1.96).
p̂ is the sample proportion.
n is the sample size.

Margin of Error = 1.96 * sqrt( (0.1222 * (1 - 0.1222)) / 450 )

Now, let's calculate the margin of error:

Margin of Error = 1.96 * sqrt(0.1075 / 450)
Margin of Error ≈ 1.96 * 0.0151 ≈ 0.0296

The 95% confidence interval can be calculated by subtracting and adding the margin of error from the point estimate:

Lower Bound = p̂ - Margin of Error
Lower Bound = 0.1222 - 0.0296 ≈ 0.0926

Upper Bound = p̂ + Margin of Error
Upper Bound = 0.1222 + 0.0296 ≈ 0.1518

Therefore, the 95% confidence interval for the true proportion of students attending private schools is approximately 0.0926 to 0.1518.

To compare the estimated proportion to the given 11%, we can see that the confidence interval (0.0926 to 0.1518) does not include the value of 0.11 (11%). This means that we have evidence to suggest that the true proportion of students attending private schools is significantly different from 11% based on our sample.

To estimate the true proportion of students attending private schools with 95% confidence, we can use the formula for confidence interval for proportions.

The formula is:

\[ \hat{p} \pm Z \times \sqrt{\frac{\hat{p}(1-\hat{p})}{n}} \]

- \(\hat{p}\) is the sample proportion (in this case, the proportion of students who attended private schools in the sample)
- \(Z\) is the z-score corresponding to the desired confidence level (in this case, 95% confidence corresponds to a z-score of approximately 1.96)
- \(n\) is the sample size

Given that the sample size is 450 students and 55 attended private schools, we can calculate the sample proportion:

\[ \hat{p} = \frac{55}{450} \approx 0.1222 \]

Now we can plug in the values into the formula:

\[ 0.1222 \pm 1.96 \times \sqrt{\frac{0.1222 \times (1-0.1222)}{450}} \]

Calculating this expression gives us the confidence interval estimate of the true proportion:

\[ 0.1222 \pm 1.96 \times 0.0163 \]

Simplifying, we get:

\[ 0.1222 \pm 0.0319 \]

This means that the estimated true proportion of students attending private schools with 95% confidence is between 0.0903 and 0.1541.

To compare this estimate to the 11% proportion mentioned, we can convert 11% to a decimal:

\[ 11\% = \frac{11}{100} = 0.11 \]

Comparing the estimate (0.0903 to 0.1541) to 0.11, we can see that the estimate does not include the 11% proportion. This suggests that the proportion of students attending private schools, based on the given sample, is not the same as the overall population proportion of 11%.