The sale price for a house was

$ 50,000. It was on sale for 5% off.
Original Price?

Price sale - $50 000

Percentage off from original price - 5%
Price off from original price - $2 500 (50 000 x 0.05 = 2 500)

Original price:
50 000 + 2 500 = $52 000

performing operations

I am doing a scavenger hunt with math problems I am in the sixth grade the beginning problem is 7<t Please help me with the order of operations for this problem

I believe the reasoning on the 52,000 answer is flawed. This is why. You are not looking for 5% of 50,000 but for 5% of WHAT is 50,000. If you set this up as a ratio-type problem, it would be percent over 100 and is over of (% OF what IS 50,000) therefore the 50,000 would be the denominator and on the percent side, since you are paying 95% of the original price, your problem would look like this 50,000/x = 95/100. When you multiply top to bottom (50,000x100=5.000,0000) then divide by the 95, your answer is 52632, which I believe is the correct answer.

To find the original price of the house, we need to reverse the effect of the 5% discount.

Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Convert the discount percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, 5% is equal to 5/100 = 0.05.

2. Subtract the discount amount from 1. In this case, 1 - 0.05 = 0.95.

3. Divide the sale price by the result from step 2. So, $50,000 / 0.95 = $52,631.58.

Therefore, the original price of the house was $52,631.58.