Why did Japan invade China in 1937?

thank you so much

The war was the result of a decades-long Japanese imperialist policy aiming to dominate China politically and militarily to secure its vast raw material reserves and other resources. At the same time, the rising tide of Chinese nationalism and notions of self determination made the war inevitable

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Japan invaded China in 1937 for a number of reasons, primarily due to a combination of political, economic, and military factors.

1. Political Motives: Japan sought to establish its dominance in East Asia and create a new order known as the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. The invasion of China was part of Japan's plan to expand its influence and gain access to the vast resources available in China.

2. Economic Interests: China had abundant natural resources, including coal, iron ore, and oil, which Japan needed to fuel its expanding industrial sector. By invading China, Japan aimed to gain control over these resources and secure its economic growth.

3. Military Strategy: Japan believed that by attacking China, it could prevent China from uniting and becoming a strong nation-state that could potentially challenge Japan's regional dominance. The Japanese army believed that attacking China would be a relatively quick and straightforward military campaign.

To understand the motivations in more depth, it is essential to consult historical sources such as books, scholarly articles, and primary sources from that era. These sources can provide detailed information on the events, policies, and ideologies that led to Japan's invasion of China in 1937. Reading a variety of perspectives will give you a well-rounded understanding of the historical context.