Repression: banishing the _______:banishing old, bad memories, or even current things.

Regression: Moving _______ to an earlier stage
Displacement: Moving an _____ from one object (target) to another

can someone help me fill in the blanks?

I'm guessing that repression might be banishing the past?

And regression might be moving back to an earlier stage
Displacement could be moving an amount from one object to another

Repression: banishing the past: banishing old, bad memories, or even current things.

Explanation: Repression is a defense mechanism that involves pushing unpleasant or unwanted thoughts, memories, or feelings into the unconscious mind. It is a way to deal with distressing experiences by banishing them from conscious awareness. By repressing memories, one attempts to forget or ignore them, often due to their negative or traumatizing nature.

Regression: Moving backward to an earlier stage.

Explanation: Regression is a defense mechanism where an individual reverts to behaviors or ways of thinking that are characteristic of an earlier developmental stage. This can happen in times of stress or anxiety when a person seeks comfort or security by going back to a previous stage of development where they felt more secure or where they had fewer responsibilities.

Displacement: Moving an emotion from one object (target) to another.

Explanation: Displacement is a defense mechanism that involves redirecting one's feelings, usually negative or hostile emotions, from one person, object, or situation to another person, object, or situation that is considered less threatening. It is a way to release emotional tension or avoid confrontation with the actual source of the emotion. For example, if someone is angry with their boss but cannot express it directly, they may displace their anger onto a coworker or even a family member.