decompose 68 with using exponents


To decompose a number using exponents, you want to express it as a product or combination of powers of prime numbers. In the case of decomposing 68, we need to find prime factors of 68 and express them using exponents.

Step 1: Find the prime factors of 68:
To do this, we can divide 68 by the smallest prime number, which is 2:
68 ÷ 2 = 34

Now, divide the quotient 34 by 2 again:
34 ÷ 2 = 17

We have found that the prime factors of 68 are 2 and 17.

Step 2: Express the prime factors with exponents:
Since we only have one 2 and one 17, we can express them directly without using exponents. However, if we had multiple instances of the same prime factor, we would use exponents.

Therefore, the decomposition of 68 using exponents is:
68 = 2 × 17

Note: If 68 was composed of multiple instances of the same prime factor, let's say if it was 2^3 × 17^2, we would express it as:
68 = 2^3 × 17^2