Whenever I hear the opening measure of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony I get

goose bumps.

I think this is incorrect.

Is it ?

The wording is correct, but it needs a comma. Do you see where?

See #3.

Before I get goose bumps ? Correct?

So this is incorrect because it needs a comma there?

If you put a comma there, the sentence will be correct.

Alright, I think I am getting a hang of this. Could you help me with my last question. I don't understand what is it trying to say.

To determine if your statement about getting goosebumps when hearing the opening measure of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is correct or not, you need to reflect on your personal experiences and emotions. As an AI, I cannot provide a definitive answer as I do not have access to your personal feelings. However, I can explain the common reasons why people might experience goosebumps when listening to music.

Goosebumps, technically known as piloerection, are caused by the contraction of the tiny muscles that surround hair follicles. This reaction is a physiological response that can occur due to various emotions, including excitement, fear, awe, and even intense pleasure. When listening to certain pieces of music, especially one as iconic and powerful as Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, people may experience intense emotions that lead to the production of adrenaline and ultimately goosebumps.

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is renowned for its distinctive four-note opening motif, often referred to as "fate knocking at the door." This motif is instantly recognizable and has been used in numerous contexts, from movies to pop culture. The symphony as a whole is characterized by its dramatic and intense undertones.

If you personally experience goosebumps when hearing the opening measure of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, then your statement is correct for you. However, if you do not experience this physical reaction, then your statement may be incorrect based on your own personal experiences.