what single discount is successive discounts of 30% and 50% equivalent to?

What is (.7)(.5) = ??


To determine the equivalent single discount of successive discounts, we need to calculate the overall discount percentage.

Let's start with the first discount of 30%. To find the remaining amount after a 30% discount, we subtract 30% from 100%, which gives us 70% (100% - 30% = 70%).

Next, we apply the second discount of 50% to the remaining amount. To find the remaining amount after a 50% discount, we subtract 50% from 100%, which gives us 50% (100% - 50% = 50%).

Now, we multiply the percentages to get the overall discount percentage:

70% × 50% = 0.7 × 0.5 = 0.35

So the successive discounts of 30% and 50% are equivalent to a single discount of 35%.