. Write a program which ask the user to enter a sentence (character by character) and when user press full stop (.) character program should display the full sentence and exit.

I wonder if "suranthi" comes close to being the subject of your post?

sure. create the file suranthi.pl

system "stty raw";
while ($_ = getc) {
last if $_ eq ".";
system "stty cooked";

perl suranthi.pl

Sure! I can help you with that.

To write a program that asks the user to enter a sentence character by character and stops when the user enters a full stop (.), you can utilize a loop and store the characters in a string.

Here's an example program in Python that achieves this:

sentence = "" # Initialize an empty string to store the sentence

while True:
char = input("Enter a character: ") # Ask the user to enter a character

if char == ".": # Check if the entered character is a full stop
break # If it is, exit the loop

sentence += char # Append the character to the sentence

print("The sentence is:", sentence) # Display the full sentence

In this program:

1. We initialize an empty string called `sentence` to store the sentence entered by the user.

2. We start an infinite loop using `while True`. This loop will continue until the user enters a full stop (`.`) character.

3. Inside the loop, we use the `input()` function to ask the user to enter a character and store it in the `char` variable.

4. We then check whether the entered character is a full stop (`.`). If it is, we use the `break` statement to exit the loop.

5. If the entered character is not a full stop, we append it to the `sentence` string using the `+=` operator.

6. Finally, outside the loop, we display the full sentence using the `print()` function.

You can run this program and test it by entering characters one by one, and when you enter a full stop, it will display the full sentence and exit.