A certain infant analgesic medicine has a single dose of 36.0 mg/kg of body weight. How much analgesic will be administered in a single dose for an 18.4 pound toddler


To calculate the amount of analgesic that will be administered in a single dose for an 18.4 pound toddler, we need to convert the weight from pounds to kilograms, since the dosage is given in mg/kg.

Step 1: Convert the weight from pounds to kilograms.
To convert pounds to kilograms, we need to divide the weight in pounds by 2.2046 (since 1 pound is approximately equal to 0.4536 kilograms).

Weight in kilograms = Weight in pounds / 2.2046

Let's calculate:
Weight in kilograms = 18.4 pounds / 2.2046
Weight in kilograms ≈ 8.36 kilograms

Step 2: Calculate the analgesic dosage for the toddler.
The analgesic dosage is given as 36.0 mg/kg of body weight.

Dosage = Body weight in kilograms x Dosage per kg

Let's calculate:
Dosage = 8.36 kilograms x 36.0 mg/kg
Dosage ≈ 300.96 mg

Therefore, the amount of analgesic administered in a single dose for an 18.4 pound toddler would be approximately 300.96 mg.