After two months of following her budget, lisa finds that her food bills are much higher then she expected. Select her best option from those offered below.

A : She should scrap her present budget and start all over again.
B. It is clear that lisa is just one for those people that whom budgeting is impossible. She should give up on the idea.
C. She should make adjustments in her food/buying habbits and / or look for waysto trim other budgeting expenses
D. Lisa needs the help of a professional financal advisor.
I got C

Absolutely right!

Yayy Thank You :D

That's correct! Option C is the best choice for Lisa in this situation. Here's an explanation of why:

When faced with a budgeting issue like higher-than-expected food bills, it's important to reassess and make adjustments rather than completely scrapping the budget or giving up on budgeting altogether. Option C suggests that Lisa should make adjustments in her food buying habits and look for ways to trim other budgeting expenses.

To implement this option, Lisa could start by examining her food buying habits. She could consider if there are any unnecessary or expensive items she could cut back on. For example, she might choose to buy generic brands instead of name brands or opt for more affordable alternatives for certain ingredients.

In addition to adjusting her food buying habits, Lisa could also look for ways to trim other budgeting expenses. This could involve reviewing her spending in other categories, such as entertainment or transportation, and identifying areas where she can make cuts or find more cost-effective options. For instance, she could reduce dining out expenses by cooking more meals at home or explore public transportation options instead of relying on her car.

By making these adjustments and actively seeking opportunities for cost savings, Lisa can regain control of her food spending and ensure that her budget aligns with her financial goals. It's important to remember that budgeting is a continual process of assessing and adapting, so being flexible and open to making changes is key.