What is natural resources ???

Good 7th grade geography question.


Be sure to read some of the other links on this page.

Natural resources also includes minerals.

oK Thank You !!! :)

PS: Did you read the letter ?

Natural resources are the various materials or substances that occur naturally in the environment and are used by humans for various purposes. These resources are found in different forms, such as air, water, minerals, soil, forests, wildlife, and energy sources like fossil fuels and renewable energy.

To understand what constitutes natural resources, you can start by observing the world around you. Take note of the elements that are not man-made but exist in nature. For example, water bodies like rivers, lakes, and oceans, as well as the air we breathe, are essential natural resources. Similarly, minerals like gold, iron, and coal are also considered natural resources, as they are extracted from the earth.

To gain a more comprehensive understanding, you can explore different types of natural resources and their classifications. Some common categories include:

1. Renewable Resources: These resources can be replenished or naturally regenerated over time, such as solar energy, wind power, water, and forests.

2. Non-renewable Resources: These resources exist in limited quantities and cannot be replaced once they are depleted. Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas fall into this category, as well as minerals such as gold, copper, and uranium.

3. Biological Resources: These resources are derived from living organisms and include crops, forests, fisheries, and wildlife. They can be renewable if they are managed sustainably.

4. Mineral Resources: These resources include elements and compounds found in the Earth's crust, such as metals, ores, gemstones, and industrial minerals.

By familiarizing yourself with the concept of natural resources and exploring different examples, you will develop a clearer understanding of their significance and the vital role they play in our daily lives and the overall health of the planet.