Eve and Jason have an exercise routine that they do together three days a week. Together, they can lift 225 pounds.

a) If Eve can lift 113 pounds,how many pounds can Jason lift?

b). If Eve can lift 87 pounds, how many
pounds can Jason lift?

c) What expression can be used to find
p, how many pounds Jason can lift if
Eve can lift x pounds?

It's your turn now, Jab.

How do you think you can figure out these problems?

Um. Well I tried this but im not sure:

A) 113+x= 112
-113 -113

B) 87+p= 225
-87 -87

C) No idea :{

A) I don't know how you got your answer, but 112 is right.

87 + p = 225
p = 225 - 87
p = ?

225 - x = p
225 = x + p

On A I did

113 + x = 225
X= 225-113
X= 112

Thanks so much Ms. Sue. I would have failed this math asignment if it werent for you! I will most likely come back here whenerever I have issues again. Thanks again!

You're very welcome, Jab.

To solve these problems, we can set up a proportion based on the given information. The total weight lifted by Eve and Jason together is 225 pounds. Let's represent the weight that Jason can lift as 'x'.

a) If Eve can lift 113 pounds, we can set up the following proportion:

113 / x = 225 / (113 + x)

To solve for 'x', we cross-multiply and simplify:

113 * (113 + x) = 225 * x
12769 + 113x = 225x
12769 = 112x
x = 12769 / 112
x ≈ 114.06 pounds

So, Jason can lift approximately 114.06 pounds.

b) If Eve can lift 87 pounds, we can set up the proportion again:

87 / x = 225 / (87 + x)

Following the same steps as before, we can solve for 'x':

87 * (87 + x) = 225 * x
7569 + 87x = 225x
7569 = 138x
x = 7569 / 138
x ≈ 54.91 pounds

Therefore, Jason can lift approximately 54.91 pounds.

c) To express the relationship between the weight Eve can lift (x pounds) and the weight Jason can lift (p pounds), we can use the following expression:

p = (225 * x) / (x - 225)

This expression represents the weight Jason can lift based on the weight Eve can lift.