what would be a set of 12 numbers that have the landmarks:

maximum 8
range 6
mode 6
median 5

If 8 is maximum and range is 6, the minimum is 8-6 = 2.

Two or more scores will = 6, the mode.

Half of the scores will be above 5 and half below 5 (the median). (A score of 5 is considered half above the median and half below.)

This should help you in making up your distribution.

I don't. Know. 2

To find a set of 12 numbers that satisfy the given landmarks, we need to consider the properties of each landmark.

1. Maximum: The maximum value is given as 8, so one number in the set must be 8.

2. Range: The range is given as 6, which is the difference between the maximum and minimum values. Since the maximum is 8, the minimum value must be 8 - 6 = 2.

3. Mode: The mode is given as 6, which means one number in the set must appear more frequently than any other number. Since the median value is 5, there should be at least one number greater than 5 and one number less than 5.

Now, let's construct a set of numbers that fulfills these criteria:

{2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8}

In this set, the maximum is 8, the range is 6, the mode is 6, and the median is 5.

To create a set of 12 numbers with the given landmarks, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by finding the minimum value. Since the range is 6 and the median is 5, we know that the minimum value must be 5 - (range / 2) = 5 - (6 / 2) = 5 - 3 = 2.

2. Next, find the maximum value, which is given as 8.

3. Now let's find the mode. The mode is the value that appears most frequently in a dataset. In this case, the mode is given as 6, which means that 6 appears more often than any other number in the set.

4. We need to select the remaining numbers to complete the set. Since we have already determined the minimum and maximum values, we can randomly assign the remaining 9 numbers within the range of 2 to 8. However, to satisfy the mode of 6, we must assign at least three instances of the number 6.

Here's an example set that meets the given landmarks:
2, 4, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

In this set, the minimum value is 2, the maximum value is 8, the range is 8 - 2 = 6, the mode is 6 (appears three times), and the median is 6 (the middle value when the numbers are sorted in ascending order).