1.In a two page double-space essay, using APA formatting, please respond to the following blog conversation that took place last year on a popular sports fan website. Cite 2 references that support your opinions.

When people sit around and have discussions about others many terms might come into the conversation describing the attributes of the people being talked about; the term 'class’ might come into the conversation. When I discuss people’s class level, I am not referring to how much money they make. I think of class as a combination of intelligence, education, manners, ethics, dress, speech, behavior, value system. With experience you can determine class within 5 seconds of seeing some people and with others it might take 20 seconds of conversation.

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

I would like some help responding to the conversation?

Do you agree with that blog? Does it describe what class means to you? Why or why not?

what do you think about class. do you agree with the blog. i am stuck need help please

I certainly can't tell you what YOU think.

Only YOUR opinion matters to your instructor.

i need help please

Study this article carefully. It will help you decide your opinion.


I need help Ms. Sue, would you write a sample paper

please some help

To write a two-page double-spaced essay using APA formatting, you would need to follow these steps:

1. Title page: Include a running head (a shortened version of your essay title), the full title of your essay, your name, the name of your institution, and the date.

2. Abstract: Provide a brief summary of your essay's main points. However, for this particular assignment, an abstract may not be necessary since it is a short essay.

3. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic of class as a combination of various attributes, such as intelligence, education, manners, ethics, dress, speech, behavior, and value system. You can also mention how the concept of class is often misinterpreted as being solely about financial status.

4. Main Body: Divide your essay into paragraphs, each with a clear topic sentence that supports the main argument. In this case, you should discuss how one can determine class by observing certain attributes, such as intelligence, education, manners, etc. Discuss the importance of these attributes in defining class and how they may influence people's perception of others.

5. Supporting references: As instructed, cite at least two references that support your opinions. These references can be scholarly articles, books, or reputable websites that contribute to your understanding of the concept of class. Make sure to cite them using APA style, both in-text and in the reference list at the end of your essay.

6. Conclusion: Summarize your main points, restate your argument, and conclude your essay by emphasizing the importance of understanding class beyond just financial means.

7. References: Include a separate page at the end of your essay listing all the sources you have cited. Follow APA guidelines for formatting your references.

Remember to adhere to APA guidelines throughout your essay, including font size (12pt Times New Roman), margins (1 inch), and double spacing.

Note: Since this is an AI text-based platform, I am unable to write a full essay for you. However, I hope these instructions help guide you through the process of writing the essay according to the given requirements.