We are seeing Jeremiah in the pediatric otolaryngology clinic at Good Samaritan Medical Center.

I feel that the pediatric oto is not capialized, but difference of opinion... Is this correct?

If it is the name of a department within the hospital, I would capitalize Pediatric Otolaryngology Clinic.


Here in the UK it is just 'ENT' (Ear, Nose and Throat), but yes capitals would be best.

When it comes to capitalizing medical specialties such as "pediatric otolaryngology," there can be some variation depending on context and personal preferences. Generally, medical specialties are not capitalized unless they are derived from proper nouns or include proper names. In this case, "pediatric otolaryngology" is a specialty within the field of medicine and is not derived from a proper noun or include a proper name. Therefore, it is more common to write it as "pediatric otolaryngology" without capitalization. However, it is always a good practice to consult the specific style guide or guidelines provided by the institution or organization you are writing for to confirm their capitalization preferences.