Li(s) + N2

6Li(s) + N2 ==> 2 Li3N

Li =6. Li =6
N= 2. N =2
Am I correct now

h t t p : / /w w w . w e b q c . o r g / b a l a n c e .p h p

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Based on the balanced chemical equation you provided, the coefficients you have assigned to each element (Li and N) are correct. There are 6 lithium (Li) atoms on both sides of the equation and 2 nitrogen (N) molecules on both sides as well.

However, it's worth noting that the subscripts you mentioned (Li = 6 and N = 2) might be a misunderstanding. In the context of a chemical equation, subscripts indicate the number of atoms within a molecule, not the total number of atoms or molecules.

To ensure accuracy in future calculations, it may be beneficial to review the concept of balancing chemical equations and the interpretation of chemical formulas.