In last saturdays parade. Tom countged a total of 76 bicycles and tricyles for a total of 227 wheels.

how many tricycles were in the parade?

Incomplete. Do you see why?

In last Saturdays parade Tom counted a total of 76 bicycles and tricycles, for a total of 227 wheels. How many tricycles were in the parade?

i got a
73 x 3 =219 wheels in tricycle
3 x 2 = 6 wheels in bicycle
for a total of only 225 wheels im short by 2 wheels

B + T = 76

2B + 3T = 227

T = 75
B = 1

3*75 = 225
2*1 = 2
total: 227

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations. Let's represent the number of bicycles as 'b' and the number of tricycles as 't'.

From the given information, we know that Tom counted a total of 76 bicycles and tricycles, so we can write our first equation as:

b + t = 76 ------- (Equation 1)

We also know that the total number of wheels counted by Tom is 227. Since a bicycle has 2 wheels and a tricycle has 3 wheels, we can write our second equation as:

2b + 3t = 227 ------- (Equation 2)

Now, we can solve the system of equations:

From Equation 1, we can solve b in terms of t:
b = 76 - t

Substituting b in Equation 2:
2(76 - t) + 3t = 227
152 - 2t + 3t = 227
152 + t = 227
t = 227 - 152
t = 75

Therefore, there were 75 tricycles in the parade.