THe sume of 2 positive numbers is 20. Find the two numbers such that

1) the sum of the square is minimum b) the product of one and the square is maximum. c) the product of the square and one and the cube of the other is maximum

I will be happy to critique your work on this.


To find the two numbers that satisfy the given conditions, we can approach this problem using basic algebraic principles.

a) To minimize the sum of the squares, we need to find two numbers whose sum is 20 and the sum of their squares is minimized. Let's use variables to represent the two numbers: x and 20 - x.

The sum of their squares can be expressed as x^2 + (20 - x)^2. To find the minimum value of this expression, we can take its derivative and set it equal to zero:

d/dx [x^2 + (20 - x)^2] = 0

Simplifying the derivative, we get:

2x - 2(20 - x) = 0
2x - 40 + 2x = 0
4x = 40
x = 10

Therefore, the two numbers that minimize the sum of their squares are 10 and 10.

b) To maximize the product of one number and its square, we need to find two numbers whose sum is 20 and the product of one number and its square is maximized. Again, let x represent one number, and the other number would be 20 - x.

The expression for the product of one number, x, and its square can be written as x * x^2 or x^3.

We need to find the maximum value of this expression, so we can take its derivative:

d/dx [x^3] = 0

Differentiating, we get:

3x^2 = 0
x = 0

However, since we are dealing with positive numbers, we cannot have x = 0. So, no real solution exists for maximizing the product of one number and its square.

c) To maximize the product of one number squared, one number, and the cube of the other number, we need to find two numbers whose sum is 20 and the product of one number squared, one number, and the cube of the other is maximized. Once again, let x represent one number, and the other number would be 20 - x.

The expression for the product can be written as x^2 * x * (20 - x)^3.

To find the maximum value of this expression, we can take its derivative:

d/dx [x^2 * x * (20 - x)^3] = 0

Differentiating, we get:

(3x^2 - 60x + 20) * x^2 * (20 - x)^2 = 0

Solving for x in this equation will give you the value that maximizes the product. However, since it involves higher-degree polynomial equations, finding an exact solution might be complex.

Therefore, for part c, it is recommended to use numerical methods or graphing technology to find the value of x that maximizes the product.

Overall, the values obtained for parts a) and b) are:
a) The two numbers that minimize the sum of the squares are 10 and 10.
b) No real solution exists for maximizing the product of one number and its square.
c) The value of x that maximizes the product of one number squared, one number, and the cube of the other requires additional computation methods like numerical methods or graphing software.