What is 6% sales tax on $2.59

2.59 + 0.06 = ?


To calculate the sales tax on an item, you need to multiply the price of the item by the sales tax rate as a decimal. In this case, the sales tax rate is 6%, which can be written as 0.06.

To find the sales tax on $2.59, you would calculate:

Sales tax = $2.59 * 0.06

Multiply $2.59 by 0.06:

Sales tax = $0.1554

So, the sales tax on $2.59 with a 6% tax rate is $0.1554 or approximately $0.16.

Alternatively, you can find the sales tax by multiplying the price by the tax rate directly:

Sales tax = $2.59 * 6%
= $2.59 * 0.06
= $0.1554
≈ $0.16
