what measures does patrick henry say the colonists have already tried in their dealings with england?



To find out what measures Patrick Henry said the colonists had already tried in their dealings with England, we can refer to Patrick Henry's famous speech, "Give me liberty or give me death!" delivered on March 23, 1775. This speech is well-known for its passionate call to arms against British tyranny.

To access the exact measures Henry mentioned, I would suggest reading or listening to the speech in its entirety. There are several online resources, such as historical archives or educational websites, where you can find the complete text of the speech. It may also be available in books or other publications related to American history.

Once you have access to the full speech, carefully read or listen to the section where Henry discusses the measures attempted by the colonists. Pay attention to the context and his statements regarding the specific actions taken by the colonists in dealing with England. Henry's speech should provide a detailed account of the efforts made by the colonists and shed light on the measures they had already tried before considering more radical options.

By examining the primary source material directly, you will gain a thorough understanding of the measures Patrick Henry outlined in his speech.