which is the more active metal Co+Cr(NO3)2....no reaction

The combination of Co+Cr(NO3)2 does not show any visible reaction because both cobalt (Co) and chromium (Cr) in this compound are not highly reactive metals.

To determine which metal is more active between cobalt and chromium, we can refer to the activity series of metals. The activity series is a list of metals arranged in order of their reactivity, with the most reactive metal at the top and the least reactive at the bottom.

Unfortunately, the activity series does not include cobalt and chromium. However, we can make an inference based on their positions in the periodic table.

Cobalt is located in group 9 of the periodic table, while chromium is located in group 6. Generally, elements in higher groups tend to be more reactive than those in lower groups. Therefore, we can infer that cobalt is more reactive than chromium.

However, it is important to note that this inference is based on periodic trends, and specific reaction outcomes may vary depending on the circumstances and the other elements involved in the reaction.