which is the more active metal 2Li+Cu(NO3)2----2LiNO3+Cu

To determine which metal is more active in a redox reaction, we need to compare their positions in the activity series for metals.

The activity series is a list of metals arranged in order of their reactivity. It allows us to determine which metal will be oxidized (lose electrons) and which metal ion will be reduced (gain electrons) in a redox reaction.

In this case, we are comparing lithium (Li) and copper (Cu).

According to the activity series, lithium is more active than copper. This means that lithium is more likely to lose electrons and be oxidized, while copper is more likely to gain electrons and be reduced.

So, in the reaction 2Li + Cu(NO3)2 -> 2LiNO3 + Cu, lithium will be oxidized and copper will be reduced. The lithium atoms will lose electrons to form Li+ ions, while the Cu2+ ions from copper nitrate will gain electrons to form Cu atoms.

In summary, in the given reaction, lithium is the more active metal.