�ã6(2�ã6 - �ã5)

How do you get 12-�ã30?

I keep getting a way different answer:\ Btw not sure if the radicals will show up.

If its possible, could you please do this on paint or something for me, and upload it so I can see how exactly you solved this, because explaining over Jiskha, will probably be hard for me to understand as I will not be able to visualize certain steps.

√6(2√6 - √5)

To multiply two radicals, just keep the radical sign and then multiply the two numbers inside.
e.g. √5 x √7 = √35
and then of course √6 x √6 = √36 = 6
when you multiply a square root by itself, you get that number
√13 x √13 = 13

so back to our question, let's just expand it
= 2√36 - √30
= 2(6) - √30
= 12 - √30

To simplify the expression 6(2�ã6 - �ã5), we can follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction), to systematically simplify the expression.

1. Start by simplifying within the parentheses. The expression inside the parentheses is 2�ã6 - �ã5.
- The radical �ã6 cannot be simplified further because 6 does not have a perfect square factor.
- The radical �ã5 also cannot be simplified further because 5 does not have a perfect square factor.

2. Apply the subtraction operation between the two radicals: 2�ã6 - �ã5.

At this point, we encounter a discrepancy in your question. You mentioned wanting to get the answer to the expression "12 - �ã30." However, the initial expression 6(2�ã6 - �ã5) is different from "12 - �ã30."

If you meant to ask about simplifying the expression 12 - �ã30, we can proceed as follows:

1. The radical �ã30 cannot be simplified further because 30 does not have a perfect square factor.

Explaining the steps to get the answer to "12 - �ã30" is unnecessary, as it is a straightforward subtraction operation. The result depends on whether you want to simplify the expression or evaluate it numerically.