Simplify this equation?

4(c squared - 1) + 1/3c(3c+6)

Is it 4c^2 + 2c - 3?

Sorry -- but I don't know. My math skills don't go much beyond 7th grade.

To simplify the given expression, follow these steps:

1. Distribute the 4 to both terms inside the parenthesis:
4(c^2 - 1) = 4c^2 - 4

2. Distribute the 1/3c to both terms inside the parenthesis:
(1/3c)(3c + 6) = (1/3c) * 3c + (1/3c) * 6
= c + 2

3. Combine the like terms:
4c^2 - 4 + c + 2

4. Simplify further by combining the constants and the like terms with the same variables:
4c^2 + c - 2

So, the simplified form of the given equation is 4c^2 + c - 2.