i need to simplify : does this mean just do the problems; here is what i got for 4 problems below: are they right?

23.68 / 6.4 i got: 3.7

4.6 - 3.87
i got: .73

0,.54 + 0.027 i got: 0.567

2.7 x 6.25 i got: 16.875



23.68 ÷6.4


To simplify expressions means to perform the indicated mathematical operations and obtain a simplified or reduced form of the expression. Let's check if your answers are correct for the given problems:

1. 23.68 / 6.4:
To divide two decimal numbers, place the decimal point in the quotient directly above the decimal point in the dividend. Then divide as usual.
23.68 / 6.4 = 3.7
So, your answer of 3.7 is correct.

2. 4.6 - 3.87:
Subtracting two decimal numbers requires aligning the decimal points and then subtracting as usual.
4.6 - 3.87 = 0.73
Your answer of 0.73 is correct.

3. 0.54 + 0.027:
Adding two decimal numbers requires aligning the decimal points and then adding as usual.
0.54 + 0.027 = 0.567
Your answer of 0.567 is correct.

4. 2.7 x 6.25:
To multiply decimal numbers, ignore the decimal points and multiply as if they were whole numbers. Then count the total number of digits to the right of the decimal points in the original numbers and place the decimal point in the product accordingly.
2.7 x 6.25 = 16.875
Your answer of 16.875 is correct.

All your answers are correct for the given problems. Well done!