Please tell me which of these two are Implicit statement and implicit premises or conclusions and please tell me the difference, I have quiz on this. Thanks!

1)Hilter rose to power because the Allies had crushed the German economy after workd war one. Therefore if the Allies had helped to rebuild the German economy instead of crushing it, they would never have had to deal with Hilter.

2) The apostel paul's father was a pharies..He (Paul) did not receive a classical education, for no pharisee would have permitted such outright Hellenism in his son, and no man with Greek training would have written the bad Greek of the Epistels.

To determine the implicit statements, premises, and conclusions in these two statements, we will analyze the context and logical structure of each statement.

1) Statement 1:
The implicit statement here is that failure to help rebuild the German economy led to Hitler's rise to power. The implicit conclusion is that if the Allies had indeed aided in rebuilding the German economy, Hitler's ascent to power would have been prevented.
Implicit Statement: Allies not rebuilding the German economy caused Hitler's rise to power.
Implicit Conclusion: If the Allies had helped rebuild the German economy, they wouldn't have had to deal with Hitler.

2) Statement 2:
The implicit statement here is that Paul not receiving a classical education was due to his father being a Pharisee. The implicit premise is that no Pharisee would allow outright Hellenism in his son. The implicit conclusion is that Paul's bad Greek in the Epistles stems from his lack of Greek training.
Implicit Statement: Paul's lack of classical education is due to his father being a Pharisee.
Implicit Premise: No Pharisee would permit outright Hellenism in his son.
Implicit Conclusion: Paul's poor Greek writing is a result of not receiving Greek training.

Now, let's discuss the difference between implicit statements and implicit premises or conclusions:
- Implicit statements: These are ideas or claims that are not directly stated in the statement but can be inferred based on the context or the logical structure of the argument.
- Implicit premises: These are unstated assumptions that provide support for the explicit or implicit conclusions. They form the foundation or background reasoning behind the argument.
- Implicit conclusions: These are logical outcomes or deductions that can be drawn from the explicit or implicit premises. They are the logical consequences of the argument.

In summary, implicit statements are ideas that can be inferred from the statement, while implicit premises and conclusions are unstated assumptions and logical deductions respectively. Understanding these concepts will help you analyze arguments, identify hidden assumptions, and evaluate the coherence of claims. Good luck on your quiz!