Can you please check if everything is OK, please? Thank you

1) At first, the three witches prophesy to Macbeth that he will be Thane of Cowdor and then king of Scotland. In the fourth act they tell Macbeth to beware of Macduff.
2) They also tell him that no man born of woman (not to woman) can/shall hurt him and that he cannot be defeated as long as Birnam Wood doesn't move to Dunsinane Hil to fight against him.


tell (simpler than "prophesy"; delete "to") -- or find a way to use "foretell"

delete words in parentheses

use "will" instead of "can/shall"

check all spelling

To check if everything is accurate, we can examine the statements you provided and compare them with the actual events from Shakespeare's play, Macbeth:

1) The first statement is partially correct. In Act 1, Scene 3, the three witches prophecy that Macbeth will indeed become Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland. However, it is not clear whether in the play they specifically warn Macbeth to beware of Macduff. Macbeth does become wary of Macduff later in the play due to his suspicions.

2) The second statement is mostly accurate. In Act 4, Scene 1, the witches tell Macbeth that no man born of woman can harm him. This is meant to reassure Macbeth, making him believe he is invincible. They also tell him that he cannot be defeated until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill. This comes true when Malcolm's army disguises themselves with tree branches from Birnam Wood as they approach Dunsinane.

To verify these details, you can refer to the original play by William Shakespeare, Macbeth. Reading the play or consulting reputable summaries and analyses of the storyline can provide an accurate account of the events and prophecies.