Which of the following is not a secret to succesful writing?

A. start early
B. Make time for rewriting
C. Brainstorming
D. Divide and conquer
I got C what do you think?

Please stop posting your questions more than once.

i post it more then once because no one answered that one and i thought no one will pay attention to that because its all the way on the bottom. and this is like my first time doing that.

Ciara -- give us a break. You posted this just 18 minutes after you posted the same question.

We are volunteers and donate our time and expertise when we have time.

okay i never said i was rushing ya i just said if it goes all the way down no one will pay attention to it i don't no why ya all coming after me :(

To determine which of the options is not a secret to successful writing, let's go through each option and see if it aligns with the principles of writing effectively.

A. Start early: Starting early is indeed an important aspect of successful writing. It allows for ample time to gather information, plan, and revise the writing piece. Therefore, starting early is a secret to successful writing.

B. Make time for rewriting: Rewriting is a critical part of the writing process. It helps improve clarity, coherence, and overall quality. By taking the time to revise and refine your work, you can enhance your writing. Hence, making time for rewriting contributes to successful writing.

C. Brainstorming: Brainstorming is an essential technique for generating ideas, organizing thoughts, and planning the structure of a writing piece. It helps to unleash creativity, identify key points, and determine a coherent narrative or argument. Therefore, brainstorming is a valuable secret to successful writing.

D. Divide and conquer: This approach, also known as breaking down the task into smaller manageable parts, can be a highly effective way of tackling complex writing projects. By dividing the work into smaller, achievable tasks, it becomes easier to stay focused, organized, and complete the writing successfully. Hence, dividing and conquering can also be considered a secret to successful writing.

Based on the above analysis, it appears that none of the options are not secrets to successful writing. Therefore, none of the provided options are the correct answer.