Which four continents touch the Indian Ocean?


I think Australia, Asia, Africa and Either Antarctica or Europe Sorry if I didn't help.

To find out which four continents touch the Indian Ocean, we can start by identifying the continents that are geographically located around or near the Indian Ocean. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Open an internet browser and search for a world map or globe. You can use online mapping services like Google Maps, MapQuest, or any other reliable source.

2. Once you have a map or globe displayed, locate the Indian Ocean. It is the third-largest ocean in the world, lying between Africa to the west, Asia to the north, and Australia to the east.

3. Identify the continents bordering the Indian Ocean:

a. Africa: The Indian Ocean borders the eastern coast of Africa. Countries like Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa, and others have coastlines along the Indian Ocean.

b. Asia: The Indian Ocean borders the southern coast of Asia. Countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia have coastlines along the Indian Ocean.

c. Australia: The Indian Ocean borders the western and southern coastlines of Australia. The western coast of Australia is fringed by the Indian Ocean, and it extends down to the southern coast.

d. Antarctica: Although Antarctica does not have a direct coastline bordering the Indian Ocean, some researchers and maps may include it as one of the continents that touch the Indian Ocean due to its proximity.

Therefore, the four continents that touch or are geographically near the Indian Ocean are Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica (according to some classifications).