a store has a total of 108 full-time staff and part time staff. There are three times as many full-time staff as part time staff. How many of the staff are in each category?

PT + 3PT=108

PT=27 FT=108-27=81

27 part-time and 81 full-time

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information. Let's use the following variables:

Let F represent the number of full-time staff.
Let P represent the number of part-time staff.

From the given information, we know the following:

F + P = 108 (Equation 1) - Total number of staff is 108.

F = 3P (Equation 2) - There are three times as many full-time staff as part-time staff.

Now we have a system of equations with two unknowns. We can solve them simultaneously to find the values of F and P.

We'll solve Equation 1 for F:

F = 108 - P.

Substituting this into Equation 2:

108 - P = 3P.

Combining like terms:

108 = 4P.

Divide both sides by 4:

27 = P.

So there are 27 part-time staff members.

Now substitute the value of P back into Equation 1 to find the number of full-time staff:

F + 27 = 108.

F = 108 - 27.

F = 81.

Therefore, there are 81 full-time staff members.

In summary, there are 81 full-time staff members and 27 part-time staff members in the store.