how to prove sss conguence ?

Well, it's a postulate that two triangles with corresponding sides equal are congruent.

So, if you can match up sides of triangle A with sides of triangle B, showing that all the matching sides have the same length, then SSS says they are congruent.

To prove congruence using the Side-Side-Side (SSS) criterion, you need to demonstrate that all three pairs of corresponding sides between two triangles are congruent. Here's how you can prove SSS congruence:

Step 1: Identify the two triangles you want to prove congruent, let's call them Triangle ABC and Triangle DEF.

Step 2: Start by listing the corresponding sides of each triangle. For Triangle ABC, identify the sides as AB, BC, and AC, respectively. For Triangle DEF, identify the sides as DE, EF, and DF, respectively.

Step 3: Measure the lengths of the corresponding sides for both triangles using a ruler or any appropriate measuring tool.

Step 4: Compare the lengths of the corresponding sides for each triangle. If all three pairs of corresponding sides are equal, then the triangles are congruent by SSS criterion.

Step 5: Write a formal proof stating your findings. Begin by stating that Triangle ABC is congruent to Triangle DEF using the SSS criterion as the reason for congruence. Then, elaborate on the congruent pairs of sides: AB = DE, BC = EF, and AC = DF.

Step 6: If required, provide additional supporting evidence such as included angles or other congruent parts of the triangles to strengthen your proof.

Remember, when measuring the sides of the triangles, it is crucial to consider precision and accuracy in your measurements to ensure a valid and reliable proof.