The distance to our nearest neighboring Star, is 4.4 light years. If there are 9.460x10^12 km in 1 light year, how far is this in miles?

So this is how I solved:
9.460x10^12 km x 1mi/1.61km x5.878x10^12 miles/1 light year x4.4 light years
My answer is 1.51x10^26 which i know is incorrect. How do i solve this?/

I don't know what the 5.878E12 miles/light year is or why you need it.

4.4 light yrs x 9.460E12 km/1 light yr x 1 mi/1.61 km = ?? miles.
You can check this out by gong to google and typing in "4.4 light years to miles" without the quotation marks and hit the enter button. Approximately 2.6E13 miles.

To convert the distance from kilometers to miles, you can use the following conversion factor: 1 kilometer is equal to approximately 0.621371 miles.

Using this information, let's solve the problem step by step:

1. Start with the given distance of 4.4 light years.

2. Convert the distance from light years to kilometers. Since there are 9.460x10^12 km in 1 light year, multiply 4.4 light years by 9.460x10^12 km/light year. This gives you 4.4 x 9.460x10^12 km.

3. Convert the distance from kilometers to miles. Multiply the result from step 2 by 0.621371 mi/km. This gives you (4.4 x 9.460x10^12 km) x 0.621371 mi/km.

4. Perform the calculations in step 3 to find the final answer.

To convert kilometers to miles, you can use the conversion factor 1 km = 0.621371 miles. Let's break down the steps to solve this problem correctly:

1. Start with the given distance in kilometers: 9.460x10^12 km.
2. Convert from kilometers to miles using the conversion factor, where 1 km = 0.621371 miles. You can set up the conversion like this: 9.460x10^12 km * 0.621371 miles/km.
3. Simplify the expression: 9.460x10^12 km * 0.621371 miles/km = 5.879x10^12 miles.
4. Now, we need to account for the fact that the given distance is in light years. Multiply the calculated distance by the number of light years: 5.879x10^12 miles * 4.4 light years.
5. Calculate the final answer: 5.879x10^12 miles * 4.4 = 2.587x10^13 miles.

So, the correct answer is 2.587x10^13 miles.